Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) Solution | Automated Document Processing Software - InferIQ
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Intelligent Document Processing for Manufacturing Industry

InferIQ can help manufacturers process purchase orders faster, improve inventory management, and reduce errors.

Intelligent Document Processing for Manufacturing Industry

Structured data is essential for adequately managing operations and keeping ahead of the curve. The manufacturing business is no exception to the trend of industries using data to their advantage. Manufacturers encounter several obstacles when it comes to document management and real-time access. InferIQ can help manufacturing companies automate their document processing by capturing structured and unstructured data and converting it into various formats. The manufacturing industry needs to automate not just their core processes, but also the deskwork as far as possible to derive maximum efficiency from operations. 

List of Key Documents in the Manufacturing Industry

Any manufacturing unit needs to perform quality checks on all its products according to prescribed standards. Intelligent document processing helps in extracting data from these hard-copy documents and structuring them according to the prescribed quality and assurance procedures to always keep the information cohesive and accessible. 

Invoice Processing
Order Form Processing
Quality Assurance
Records Management
Sales Order Management 
Order Processing

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We would like to know how the InferIQ can solve the data extraction challenges and enable new business outcomes.

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